Navigating a divorce can often be brutal, but it does not have to be. There are options for individuals and couples looking for solutions that do not involve a lengthy courtroom battle.
Enter mediation. First, let’s talk about what mediation is and how it can help you.
Mediation is a highly effective approach to solving problems, including couples going through a divorce, as it offers a more amicable, private, cheaper and faster way of resolving conflict than litigation, which sometimes can take years and hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Is mediation right for me?
Clients often wonder if mediation is right for them. Most couples would benefit from trying mediation, even if it fails and they go to court. The mediation process allows the couple to discuss their needs and concerns in an informal yet controlled environment with the help of a skilled, neutral third-party mediator.
Mediation, in summary, is:
- Faster than litigation
- More cost-effective
- Less adversarial
- Less stressful
- Conducive to preserving relationships
- Private and confidential
And any agreements that parties reach in mediation can become legally enforceable. Think of it this way: who would you prefer to make decisions about your and your children’s lives—you or a judge who does not know you or your family well?
Most people would argue that they would prefer to make those decisions, which brings us to the last benefit of mediation, which is much more control over the outcome of the case.